If you are part of a County Board that is seeking to broaden your engagement with young people and volunteering , the Young Leaders in Cricket programme can help you engage with your clubs and schools in offering them the opportunity to train up 14-16 year olds (Yrs 9 and 10) to become the volunteers of tomorrow.
This programme is carefully targeted at community cricket clubs and schools as well as wider community programmes. Its purpose is to give young people the leadership and life skills to volunteer meaningfully and purposefully within their club, school or community. We are aiming to create a circularity of trained up young people able to go into coaching, officiating or groundskeeping, not necessarily as a full time occupation but within the ‘paid voluntary’ sector to help drive participation and the broader benefits of physical activity using cricket, in the wider community.

County Boards have the opportunity to supply tutors to the programme in whichever capacity they choose, paid or as part of CPD.
The programme was set up and is still being led by a group of people who give up their time voluntarily to handle the management and organisation.

We formed ourselves into a not for profit, social enterprise, CIC (Community Interest Company) to ensure that the programme is run for the benefit of the young people and the ethos of volunteering which is the essence of all community cricket clubs.
Please contact Chris Whitaker or Allen Blackford for a discussion on the benefits plus case studies from other County Boards.