What modules are included in the programme?
- Young Activator (Coaching)
- Young Cricket Officials (umpiring/Scoring)
- First Aid Awareness
- Groundskeeping with Environmental awareness
- Fundraising with Social Media
- Mental Resilience
- Safeguarding Awareness
- Optional – Coaching in Disability Cricket (Only offered in certain Counties)
When are the modules held?
The online modules start in February and run through until May. These are tutor based and last for 1 hour.
The face-to-face modules start in the Easter holidays, with additional
modules added in May and Summer Holidays subject to need/demand.
Where will the modules be held?
Modules will be held in all participating Counties; we try to arrange them to be convenient for all. If you are close to the border of a county it is always worth checking to see if there is anything in another county which works for you.
A list of modules can be found on our website – hover over the word “Book” in the main menu to select a county.
This list is constantly updated.
Do I need to complete all the modules?
To achieve a Completion of Programme Certificate all modules will need to be completed.
However, as a minimum, we require that 4 modules in total are completed. These must include 3 face-to-face (to include First Aid) and two of the online modules.
Fundraising and volunteering hours must also be completed.
How do I book a place on a module?
We use a platform called PLAI to keep in contact. Every Young Leader has a profile set up under their parent or guardian when they register.
Modules are loaded onto PLAI and messages sent out advising when courses are added. Modules are also added to the website where they can be viewed and booked.
How long do I have to complete the programme?
The programme is designed to be completed in 1 cricket season, April –
September however, under certain circumstances there will be an option to defer and complete over 2 years.
How do I complete my fundraising?
We recommend working as a group with others from your club, however there is no problem with setting up your own event if you prefer. The Fundraising with Social media module (Online) will give you ideas on how to fundraise and promote your event to get the best results.
Our Instagram Page yl_in_cricket has some posts about current Young Leaders fundraising events which may give you ideas.
Details of how to make the payment to Cricket Leaders can be found in the welcome pack.
What counts as Volunteering?
We ask for a minimum of 20 hours of volunteering to be completed (there is no maximum). It can be anything from cleaning a kit cupboard, working on the pitch or outfield, preparing the club at the beginning of the season, to umpiring a junior match, assisting at club or school training sessions. Speak to the Junior Chair or Coordinator at your club to make them aware that you are part of the YLiC programme to find out about opportunities at your club.
If it is cricket based, it counts! Volunteer hours must be signed off by a responsible adult running the session.
Download the form from our Resources page complete it and get it signed by the coach in charge, and at the end of the programme email the completed form to admin@cricketleaders.org.uk