The Young Leader programme is designed to give those children in Years 9 and 10 the chance to develop their leadership and life skills through the medium of cricket.
Cricket inherently has several characteristics that help participants improve and expand their leadership and life skills. It is a sport that relies on self performance but also team performance and an ethos of teamwork to achieve a common outcome.
We take them through a programme of self development using the principles of leadership contained within the playing experience of a team sport such as cricket and also the life skills of team work and social interaction that comes from belonging to a community such as their cricket or sports club.

The programme encompasses, coaching, officiating, first aid, grounds management & environmental awareness and fund raising. Along side that we have online modules for Mental Toughness and Using Social Media Responsibly.
We encourage all Young Leaders to extend their volunteering experience into their school and the wider community to give them an insight into the broader world of social responsibility. This could extend to your school or education establishment with trained up Young Leaders ready to help you activate more sporting activities in the school.

We have schools that use the programme to supplement leadership programmes that they currently run or indeed to introduce them into their curriculum. We can operate them in partnership with Cricket Clubs or as a standalone programme.
If you would like to explore how we could work with your school then please get in touch